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Click on the boxes below to know more about the resources we are using in the lab.


Infant research is conducted at the ULBabyLab.

Kabdebon et al. (2022).png

From Kabdebon, 2022

EEG  is used to study perceptual and cognitive processing in adults and infants.

It is particularly adapted to developmental research because it does not necessarily require participants to perform motor commands or to give verbal reports, which considerably facilitates data collection and comparison within and across individuals.

For other resources, check the website of Fabienne Chetail (ULB, Belgium).

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Data bases of stimuli including faces:

- Set of children, adults and elderly faces (ask the owner for permission).

NIMSTIM image set (public data).

- KDEF image set (public data).

- High-resolution photographs of male and female faces of varying ethnicity.

- Other face sets and databases.

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