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© Jacob Lund,


Research Internships

At ULB, the research internships take place at the master level. They are typically 300-400 hours long and take place in the lab under Adélaïde de Heering's supervision. A few students are selected per semester. The covered topics are available early October on the intranet of the faculty. Students who show interest for one of the topics are invited to contact her and provide a CV as well as a letter of interest.

>>> For further information about internships, click:


At ULB, master students are involved in a "(pré-)mémoire", then a "mémoire", for two years. During the first year, they dedicate their work to a literature review and think about the experimental design of their study. During the second year, they test participants, analyze, interpret data, and write their master thesis.

>>> For further information about the (pré-)mémoires, click:

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